Wednesday, February 16, 2011

linear regression forex


CAPITAL: Is Wall Street Overaggressive In Bond Pricing? Series: 1

“You’ve got a negative market on the one hand, anxious banks on another, and investment banks who are anxious for business,” said a treasury official at one regional bank. “There’s a certain amount of pain that’s going to be shared by everybody.” If banks “have a lot of paper to do, they can’t push the market too hard,” said Matthew J. Grayson, a vice president at Salomon Brothers Inc. “But some people let the investment banks bid themselves down to loss levels.” “There is an industry factor that goes into spreads,” he said, noting that the spread relative to Treasuries on his own bank’s bond issue has widened about 30 basis points. “The various concerns that may be out there for industry credit quality is affecting spreads as well as stock prices.”
linear regression forex


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